Jan 4, 2013

Restoration Agriculture by Mark Shepard - New Permaculture Book

Restoration Agriculture

Real-World Permaculture
for Farmers

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or call 1-800-355-5313.

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if ordered by January 31st.
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Around the globe most people get their calories from “annual” agriculture — plants that grow fast for one season, produce lots of seeds, then die. Every single human society that has relied on annual crops for staple foods has collapsed. Restoration Agricultureexplains how we can have all of the benefits of natural, perennial ecosystems and create agricultural systems that imitate nature in form and function while still providing for our food, building, fuel and many other needs — in your own backyard, farm or ranch. This book, based on real-world practices, presents an alternative to the agriculture system of eradication and offers exciting hope for our future.

Softcover, 344 pages. Includes full-color photo section.

Item #7170 — $30.00

“A fascinating vision for recasting our relationship to nature and the land.” — Anna Lappé, activist & author

“This book . . . will be invaluable and is destined to be a permaculture classic.” — Geoff Lawton, managing director, Permaculture Research Institute of Australia

“Restoration Agriculture describes the reasons why permanent agriculture is needed, the ecological systems behind farm-scale permaculture, and the step-by-step of how to get there.” — Faye Jones, executive director, Midwest Organic and Sustainable Eduction Service (MOSES)

an interview with the author, Mark Shepard

the book

Related Links:

Permaculturist Mark Shepard in Yellow Springs ...
Apr 22, 2011 - 8 min - Uploaded by meganbachman
Permaculturist Mark Shepard in Yellow Springs, Ohio

106 Acre Profitable Permaculture Farm - Interview ...
Apr 13, 2011 - 47 min
In this interview we discuss Mark Shepard's 106 acre profitable permaculture farm - New Forest Farm

2 1/2 Hour Presentation Below! EXCELLENT!!!   Monte Hines
Mark Shepard on Restoration Agriculture
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb_t-sVVzF0
Mark Shepard of Viola, Wisconsin speaks to organic farmers about his permaculture farm, his experiences and techniques in modeling

Mark Shepard inspects a chestnut in his nut orchard, New Forest Farm, in Viola, Wis. The fresh “culinary chestnut” that you roast in the oven could be the same seed stock you plant in the yard.
T.C. Worley / New York Times News Service

Related Links:
Chestnuts worth singing about
Permaculture: Leadership for Sustainable Futures
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