Mar 30, 2013
Professor Don Huber: Messing with Nature ~ The Perverse Effects of GMO's 4-5-2012 - YouTube
Professor Don Huber: Messing with Nature ~ The Perverse Effects of GMO's 4-5-2012
Don Huber, Agricultural Scientist and Expert in Microbial Ecology
One Radio Network Interview
We are lucky to have this great man telling truth to power... must listen interview!
This is a worse problem than tobacco corporation corruption and deceit!
Monte & Eileen Hines
Dr. Don M. Huber Bio
Additional Links:
Mar 29, 2013
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Huber About GMO [Video] - Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Huber about GMO
Internationally renowned natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Don M. Huber, one of the senior scientists in the U.S about area of science that relates to genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Read more:
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Huber About GMO [Video]
Get rich quick!
Start shorting Monsanto stock at correct time. Just before this shit hits the fan...!!!!
Hopefully, the law that just past protecting them from lawsuits and signed by BO will be declared unconstitutional!
Why wound they have bought and paid for so many politicians, if they had a good product?
Monsanto - What a despicable corporation?
"Roadtrip Nation": Talks at Google - YouTube
Published on Mar 28, 2013
So what are you gonna do with your life?
"You should be a lawyer, a doctor, an accountant, a consultant, blah, blah, blah. Everywhere you turn people try to tell you who to be and what to do with your life. We call that the noise. Block it. Shed it. Leave it for the conformists. As a generation, we need to get back to focusing on individuality. Self-construction rather than mass production. Define your own road in life instead of traveling down someone else's. Listen to yourself. Your road is the open road. Find it." —Mike and Nathan
After college Mike Marriner and Nathan Gebhard had no idea what to do with their lives. All they'd been exposed to were standard career paths like doctor and consultant—roads that didn't fit them at all.
To see what else was out there they took a roadtrip across the nation in a huge forty-foot RV to meet with people who had successfully defined their own paths in life—including the chairman of Starbucks; a lobsterman from Maine; the director of Saturday Night Live; the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic; the first female Supreme Court Justice of the United States; head stylist for Madonna; and the CEO of National Geographic Ventures. All told, one hundred and forty people candidly shared their stories about how they got from college to the present. Now in Roadtrip Nation, Mike and Nathan share the most compelling tales with you.
Along the way, they explain how you, too, can get out there and meet people on your own. From making cold calls to asking stimulating interview questions, Roadtrip Nation will give you the tools to create a life that you'll look back on and say: "I was true to myself every step of the way."
WOW!!! :-) Monte
"Roadtrip Nation": Talks at Google - YouTube
Biochar slashes bioenergy soil emissions!
29 March 2013, by Tom Marshall
Adding charcoal to land used to grow bioenergy crops can greatly increase their overall benefit in helping cut our greenhouse-gas emissions, scientists have shown.

Applying so-called 'biochar' before planting energy crops can cut soil greenhouse-gas emissions by around a third. Soils are among the biggest sources of UK emissions, and this study adds to a growing body of evidence that charcoal could be part of the answer.
'We've shown that adding biochar suppresses CO2 emissions very significantly over several years,' says Sean Case, a PhD student at NERC's Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and lead author of the paper. 'Previous studies have found this effect in the lab and over short periods, but this is the first time anyone has looked at bioenergy crops in the field, and at the effects of biochar over a long period.'
The main point of growing bioenergy crops like miscanthus or coppiced willow is to generate energy without burning fossil fuels; such energy crops are vital if we're to meet the EU's target of a fifth of energy coming from renewable sources by 2020.

Bales of miscanthus.
But this study strengthens the idea that there could be other benefits arising from carbon being stabilised and stored by bioenergy soils, and that biochar could add to them. Biochar seems to alter microbial activity in the soil, reducing soil respiration (CO2emissions) and reducing the conversion of N fertiliser to nitrous oxide that would otherwise go into the air as greenhouse gases. The hope is that it can help the land accumulate and store much more carbon over time than it already does.
'There's a lot of interest at the moment in the potential of bioenergy crops to sequester carbon in the soil, because unlike arable land these crops aren't ploughed every year so the carbon is not being regularly disturbed,' says co-author Dr Jeanette Whitaker of CEH. 'Biochar contains a lot of carbon in its own right, so adding it to the soil is already having an immediate sequestration effect, but our research suggests that it also reduces the CO2 emitted by soil respiration, which makes the case for using it even stronger. It's about maximising the sustainability benefits of bioenergy crops.'
It's about maximising the sustainability benefits of bioenergy crops.
Dr Jeanette Whitaker, CEH
The researchers looked at a plantation of miscanthus, a tough, perennial grass whose woody stems can be regularly harvested for fuel. They monitored how much of three greenhouse gases - CO2, nitrous oxide and methane - came from the plot's soil over two years. To check their results weren't being distorted by unusual weather or other conditions in the field, they also monitored soil emissions under controlled conditions in the lab.
The plots that had been treated with charcoal emitted 37 per cent less greenhouse gases than neighbouring plots that hadn't, while in the lab the impact was even bigger at 55 per cent. Most of this came from cutting CO2 emissions, with methane playing no significant role and only a small nitrous oxide component.

Charcoal added to a miscanthus field after harvesting.
Case says this is probably because miscanthus soil doesn't usually produce much nitrous oxide anyway, as it doesn't need a lot of nitrogen fertiliser. It could be a different story on land that receives large amounts of fertiliser, such as that used to grow many food crops, as this increases nitrous oxide emissions. He's now doing research on this topic, and says early results from lab experiments suggest that adding biochar reduces nitrous oxide from arable land by 90 to 95 per cent, or around 40 per cent of overall greenhouse-gas emissions.
At present, bioenergy crops are generally burned for energy, so the charcoal used for the study came from wood harvested elsewhere. But this could change over the next few years. New, more efficient ways of turning biomass into energy exist. These often involve using a process called pyrolysis that heats organic material without burning it, to produce both charcoal and liquid or gas fuel. In the future the fuel could be used in vehicles or to generate power, while the charcoal can be returned to the soil.
'In the long term it's unlikely people will be making biochar out of wood,' says Whitaker. 'You can make it out of anything from municipal waste to chicken manure. Ultimately there's a much stronger argument for using an approach based on pyrolysis, as it means you can produce charcoal for carbon sequestration as well as energy.' But she says that more research on these technologies' overall impact is needed before they can be applied on a large scale.
This research is part of a wider body of work at CEH looking at a range of sustainability issues regarding UK bioenergy.
The paper appears in Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Case, S. D. C., McNamara, N. P., Reay, D. S. and Whitaker, J. (2013), Can biochar reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions from a Miscanthus bioenergy crop?. GCB Bioenergy. doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12052

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I am drawn to articles involving giant miscanthus which we started a plot of about 5 years ago. It is an amazing sun energy converter with lots of positive qualities... Monte
Adding charcoal to land used to grow bioenergy crops can greatly increase their overall benefit in helping cut our greenhouse-gas emissions, scientists have shown.

Applying so-called 'biochar' before planting energy crops can cut soil greenhouse-gas emissions by around a third. Soils are among the biggest sources of UK emissions, and this study adds to a growing body of evidence that charcoal could be part of the answer.
'We've shown that adding biochar suppresses CO2 emissions very significantly over several years,' says Sean Case, a PhD student at NERC's Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and lead author of the paper. 'Previous studies have found this effect in the lab and over short periods, but this is the first time anyone has looked at bioenergy crops in the field, and at the effects of biochar over a long period.'
The main point of growing bioenergy crops like miscanthus or coppiced willow is to generate energy without burning fossil fuels; such energy crops are vital if we're to meet the EU's target of a fifth of energy coming from renewable sources by 2020.

Bales of miscanthus.
But this study strengthens the idea that there could be other benefits arising from carbon being stabilised and stored by bioenergy soils, and that biochar could add to them. Biochar seems to alter microbial activity in the soil, reducing soil respiration (CO2emissions) and reducing the conversion of N fertiliser to nitrous oxide that would otherwise go into the air as greenhouse gases. The hope is that it can help the land accumulate and store much more carbon over time than it already does.
'There's a lot of interest at the moment in the potential of bioenergy crops to sequester carbon in the soil, because unlike arable land these crops aren't ploughed every year so the carbon is not being regularly disturbed,' says co-author Dr Jeanette Whitaker of CEH. 'Biochar contains a lot of carbon in its own right, so adding it to the soil is already having an immediate sequestration effect, but our research suggests that it also reduces the CO2 emitted by soil respiration, which makes the case for using it even stronger. It's about maximising the sustainability benefits of bioenergy crops.'
It's about maximising the sustainability benefits of bioenergy crops.
Dr Jeanette Whitaker, CEH
The researchers looked at a plantation of miscanthus, a tough, perennial grass whose woody stems can be regularly harvested for fuel. They monitored how much of three greenhouse gases - CO2, nitrous oxide and methane - came from the plot's soil over two years. To check their results weren't being distorted by unusual weather or other conditions in the field, they also monitored soil emissions under controlled conditions in the lab.
The plots that had been treated with charcoal emitted 37 per cent less greenhouse gases than neighbouring plots that hadn't, while in the lab the impact was even bigger at 55 per cent. Most of this came from cutting CO2 emissions, with methane playing no significant role and only a small nitrous oxide component.

Charcoal added to a miscanthus field after harvesting.
Case says this is probably because miscanthus soil doesn't usually produce much nitrous oxide anyway, as it doesn't need a lot of nitrogen fertiliser. It could be a different story on land that receives large amounts of fertiliser, such as that used to grow many food crops, as this increases nitrous oxide emissions. He's now doing research on this topic, and says early results from lab experiments suggest that adding biochar reduces nitrous oxide from arable land by 90 to 95 per cent, or around 40 per cent of overall greenhouse-gas emissions.
At present, bioenergy crops are generally burned for energy, so the charcoal used for the study came from wood harvested elsewhere. But this could change over the next few years. New, more efficient ways of turning biomass into energy exist. These often involve using a process called pyrolysis that heats organic material without burning it, to produce both charcoal and liquid or gas fuel. In the future the fuel could be used in vehicles or to generate power, while the charcoal can be returned to the soil.
'In the long term it's unlikely people will be making biochar out of wood,' says Whitaker. 'You can make it out of anything from municipal waste to chicken manure. Ultimately there's a much stronger argument for using an approach based on pyrolysis, as it means you can produce charcoal for carbon sequestration as well as energy.' But she says that more research on these technologies' overall impact is needed before they can be applied on a large scale.
This research is part of a wider body of work at CEH looking at a range of sustainability issues regarding UK bioenergy.
The paper appears in Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Case, S. D. C., McNamara, N. P., Reay, D. S. and Whitaker, J. (2013), Can biochar reduce soil greenhouse gas emissions from a Miscanthus bioenergy crop?. GCB Bioenergy. doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12052

Larger Image
I am drawn to articles involving giant miscanthus which we started a plot of about 5 years ago. It is an amazing sun energy converter with lots of positive qualities... Monte
Mar 24, 2013
Smart-Fun-Profitable-Sustainable-Farming! Joel Salatin on Localization
The man knows what he is talking about!
Hopefully when industrial agriculture fails us completely, this replaces it...
Related links:
Sustainable Farming with Joel Salatin - prt 1
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