Great piece, by Dale Olen, that focuses on environmental ethics and values. Maybe contribute your own visions to his website ...
Monte & Eileen Hines
Submitted on August 5, 2012
Narrative and Pictures by Dale Olen
“If we do not change directions, we are likely to end up exactly where we are headed.”
Chinese Proverb.

A new human species is emerging across the country and around the world. A number of people have spotted this creature and named it—Homouniversalis, Homocooperativus, Homo x.
Monte & Eileen Hines
Submitted on August 5, 2012
Narrative and Pictures by Dale Olen
“If we do not change directions, we are likely to end up exactly where we are headed.”
Chinese Proverb.

A new human species is emerging across the country and around the world. A number of people have spotted this creature and named it—Homouniversalis, Homocooperativus, Homo x.
In the spiral of evolution, new species pop up routinely. Natural selection keeps picking those critters that best adapt to their environments and choosing those that best fit with each other and their ecosystems. Hominids have been around for about 100,000 years and have continued to adapt and modify themselves into new "Homo" species. Until now the process of human evolution has been instinctive and followed preset dynamics of nature.

But this new human species, agitating on the edge of full emergence, is evolving through our conscious choices. We're not leaving this next iteration of humanity up to old-style natural selection. We are guiding our future brothers and sisters by the choices we make, the actions we take, the values we hold. In fact, we ourselves are now becoming the next human species.

But this new human species, agitating on the edge of full emergence, is evolving through our conscious choices. We're not leaving this next iteration of humanity up to old-style natural selection. We are guiding our future brothers and sisters by the choices we make, the actions we take, the values we hold. In fact, we ourselves are now becoming the next human species.
Homo x is emerging out of Homo sapiens because we are creating a vision of our future offspring. This new vision is arising in our consciousness as we arrive at a chaotic juncture in Earth’s journey. We stand at a tipping point in terms of our ecosystems, our financial failings, and our social lives.
The two paths in front of us are toward breakdown or breakthrough.
Over the past few decades we have stumbled through the breakdown path, experiencing the destruction and collapse of our Earth systems, of our democracy, our economic security, our culture and way of life. We have seen the poor get poorer, the hungry starve; we have watched African Americans locked into more prison space than occupying home space; we breath in terrorism, wars for oil, and violence in more streets, homes, and corporations.
But we don’t have a clear picture of what's down the breakthrough path. Before choosing that road, we need some idea of what we’ll find.
The landscape down that path is not unfamiliar to us, but it doesn’t light up our consciousness either. It doesn't make headlines like wars, crime, fires, financial woes, and dramatic weather events. No breakthrough ads penetrate the din of our attention and make us cry out, "I want that," like we do after a beer or Apple commercial. Stories about community, sharing, acts of love, care for the commons rarely register on our psychic maps.
Pummeled by the breakdowns in our society, we long to find the breakthroughs. Only when both visions appear before our eyes can we make the choice to evolve our species and breakthrough to a new universal life driven by relationships and love.
The vision toward breakthrough sparkles like fireworks of a new human species, in a new community, in a new ecosystem. In the months ahead I want to share with you this narrative of Homo x in community Y in ecosystem Z.
I'd like to invite you to add to this narrative, to open up your vision of Homo x in community Y in ecosystem Z. Write just a piece of your vision toward breakthrough in the comment section at the end of these future narratives. Or send me an email and I can incorporate your thoughts and awareness into the narrative as we proceed.

In sharing our visions of the breakthrough road less traveled, we are already becoming the new human species, connected, conscious, and communicating—Homoconscientious.
The two paths in front of us are toward breakdown or breakthrough.
Over the past few decades we have stumbled through the breakdown path, experiencing the destruction and collapse of our Earth systems, of our democracy, our economic security, our culture and way of life. We have seen the poor get poorer, the hungry starve; we have watched African Americans locked into more prison space than occupying home space; we breath in terrorism, wars for oil, and violence in more streets, homes, and corporations.
But we don’t have a clear picture of what's down the breakthrough path. Before choosing that road, we need some idea of what we’ll find.
The landscape down that path is not unfamiliar to us, but it doesn’t light up our consciousness either. It doesn't make headlines like wars, crime, fires, financial woes, and dramatic weather events. No breakthrough ads penetrate the din of our attention and make us cry out, "I want that," like we do after a beer or Apple commercial. Stories about community, sharing, acts of love, care for the commons rarely register on our psychic maps.
Pummeled by the breakdowns in our society, we long to find the breakthroughs. Only when both visions appear before our eyes can we make the choice to evolve our species and breakthrough to a new universal life driven by relationships and love.
The vision toward breakthrough sparkles like fireworks of a new human species, in a new community, in a new ecosystem. In the months ahead I want to share with you this narrative of Homo x in community Y in ecosystem Z.
I'd like to invite you to add to this narrative, to open up your vision of Homo x in community Y in ecosystem Z. Write just a piece of your vision toward breakthrough in the comment section at the end of these future narratives. Or send me an email and I can incorporate your thoughts and awareness into the narrative as we proceed.

In sharing our visions of the breakthrough road less traveled, we are already becoming the new human species, connected, conscious, and communicating—Homoconscientious.
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