Feb 14, 2012

The Other Inconvenient Truth: How Agriculture is Changing the Face of Our Planet - TEDxTC - Jonathan Foley

Jon Foley
Jonathan Foley
Uploaded by TEDxTalks on Sep 2, 2011

The Other Inconvenient Truth: How Agriculture is Changing the Face of Our Planet We typically think of climate change as the biggest environmental issue we face today. But maybe it's not? In this presentation, Jonathan Foley shows how agriculture and land use are maybe a bigger culprit in the global environment, and could grow even larger as we look to feed over 9 billion people in the future.

Good overall presentation of problem, and statement of who has to come to the table to solve problem. Question remains on how to solve. As always we need to think globally and act locally. My opinion: grassroots thinkers and doers (P2P) need to create the building blocks and act while ruling elites fiddle and protect their wealth. Grassroots thinkers and doers (P2P) will play an important role in leading leading us out of our "stupor"... What do you think?      Monte

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