Jun 10, 2012

The Rock Island Arsenal at 150 Years Old

The History 

  • Timeline

  • In War and Peace

  • People

  • Landmarks

  • Famous Visitors

  • Mini-documentary

  • Order your DVD

  • A long effort to establish an armory at Rock Island on the Mississippi River in Illinois was rewarded on July 11, 1862, when President Abraham Lincoln signed an act creating a national arsenal there.

    In the 150 years that have followed, the Rock Island Arsenal has had a major impact on the Quad-Cities and the military personnel it has supported around the world.

    To commemorate the Arsenal's rich history and sesquicentennial, The Dispatch, The Rock Island Argus and the Quad-City Times have collaborated to produce this site, a special print section and DVD.

    Special thanks go to the Arsenal historians, civilian and military personnel who provided invaluable assistance and resources, and to the project's platinum sponsor, the Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce.

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