May 23, 2012

John Liu's Green Gold Documentary (English)

As most of our readers will know, John Liu caught a vision years ago, and, thankfully, he ran with it. We’ve shared John’s excellent media work before (see here and here), and today have the pleasure of doing so again….

This new video, Green Gold, was first aired last month on Dutch TV, and will be shared at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (to a captive audience of influential representative delegates during their dinner!), which is being held next month in Brazil (20-22 June 2012).

The video takes you to China, Jordan, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Bolivia, and features the PRI’s own Geoff Lawton (and a cameo appearance from Nadia!), who adds impetus and technical know-how to John’s impressive toolbox, as well as the ‘Permaculture Princess‘ (Princess Basma bint Ali of Jordan), and others.

It’s the story of healing landscapes at scale, and, with it, restoring life, livelihoods, security and a future.

"It’s possible to rehabilitate large scale damaged eco-systems. So, if we can rehabilitate large scale damaged eco-systems… why don’t we do that?" — John Liu
Having this video aired at Rio+20 is an immense victory in itself — it feels like no small reward for our dogged efforts to bring permaculture into mainstream media and thus into mainstream consciousness. All of our readers and contributors are part of this effort, as you learn, share and help us inspire a new generation.

This video is not just a tale of hope, it’s evidence of hope — it’s proof that we do not need to give in to apathy, despair and an ‘eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die’ mentality. Instead, we see we have the simple solutions right in front of us. The only challenge is the people systems to make it happen — education and fostering collaboration.

If the main obstacle to change is our not having the vision to do so, well, now we have it…. Please share

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We really can change the world for the betterment of our children and grandchildren... Monte

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