Feb 13, 2012

D.M. Bennett: The Truth Seeker

D.M Bennett: The Truth Seeker - Video - One-hour documentary – awarded the Grand Prize for Best Feature Length Film at the 2011 Portland Humanist Film Festival – chronicles the life of publisher D.M. Bennett (1818-1882).

D.M. Bennett was nineteenth-century America’s most controversial and unjustly imprisoned editor of the blasphemous New York City freethought periodical THE TRUTH SEEKER.

Written, produced, and directed by Roderick Bradford, author of the biography D.M. Bennett: The Truth Seeker (Prometheus Books).

Edited by Tom Flynn at the Center for Inquiry, Amherst, New York. Funded by a grant from the James Hervey Johnson Charitable Educational Trust.

Excellent documentary... Monte

Link to Movie and Related Links: D.M. Bennett, The Truth Seeker

D. M. Bennett - Wikipedia

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