Jan 20, 2012

Words and actions that are lessons for us all - Moe Norman on ESPN - YouTube

Great thanks to Robbie Power  for putting me on to this wonderful story on his Goggle+ page,  Robbie is a very talented woodworker (YouTube Channel) ...

Robbie says, "Moe Norman was autistic as well as a savant; his quirky behavior was in part a result of these disabilities. What most folks do not know is that along with the quirky behavior caused by these so called learning disabilities come incredible abilities. The ability of imagination, focus, concentration, feel, insight, and often athletic ability are just some of those abilities. Moe Norman was blessed with many incredible abilities and in his words and actions are lessons for us all."

This is a lesson for us all about treating people with respect. Let the genius in all of us bloom... Too bad the PGA didn't. 

It takes people who are a little different to change things. Sometimes we don't need people with "common sense". We need people with "better sense" in order to make improvements in our world...


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