Jan 17, 2012

letter from birmingham jail - forum

by paul wheaton

To celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I like to read the letter from birmingham jail. But to really appreciate it, you must start off by reading the letter to the editor of the local paper that prompted King's famous letter.

letter to the editor by local clergy
the letter from birmingham jail

Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Must hear audio... Martin Luther King Jr., a man of integrity, courage, and convection ... a true leader of all races ... Monte

Thank you Jocelyn Campbell for Associated Link: Brother Outsider - The Life of Bayard Rustin - website describing the movie about this man none of us learned about in history class 
Bayard Rustin with Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1956
Bayard Rustin with Martin Luther King, Jr.
in 1956 (Credit: Associated Press)

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