Jan 21, 2012

Cheap Fossil Fuel World - Dubai - The Poop Trucks - YouTube

This Pisses Me Off!
  • Wake Up World - The Age of Stupid - (trailer)
  • Imagine the fossil fuel burnt and wasted...
  • Imagine the green house gases caused by this...
  • Look at the amount of resources used...
  • How many tons of steel?
  • How many tires?
  • ...
  • We all need to do something about this stupidity...
  • ...
  • Shouldn't we have "International Crimes Against Nature Laws"
  • ...
  • If this does not qualify, what would?
  • ...
  • The resource contained in the tanks of trucks could be easily designed to create "desert forests"...
  • This is just one example of the "Stupidity" all around us.
  • Find at least one local "Stupidity"and do something about it!
  • The masses need to require integrity by those not displaying it ! (companies, politicians, banks, governments, ...) 
  • If you aren't doing your part, you should feel guiltily...
  • You are a citizen of the world...
  • Get Involved In Communities trying to change the world for the better... & ...
Regards to all... 

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." W. Edwards Deming

Sanitation in Dubai - Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Energy makes our machine work, cars to run, and even make us move. There are so many uses of energy and most of us depend on this thing. Energy is the most important thing that makes this new world exists. However, we have to understand that energy is limited as we over use it. Many experts say that there will be a time that energy will be limited. This is also the primary reason why scientists and inventors try their best to produce a machine which produces infinite source of energy. Thank you for sharing this great article of yours, I really learned a lot.
