Aug 1, 2011

‪Google's Justin Baird Pitches Idea for 'Radically Inclusive Democracy'‬‏

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Google innovationist Justin Baird presents his proposal for global governance innovation, an idea he calls "radically inclusive democracy." Baird explains that radical inclusion can be applied to civil services, such as voting, where casting ballots online is fast, unbiased, accurate, and inexpensive.

"The global community benefits from having this transparent democratic process," says Baird. ----- Google's dominance of the internet is "a dangerous development for the future of democratic society", the UK Government's digital adviser, Lord David Puttnam, recently warned.

Lord Puttnam said he feared Google could try to "dictate terms" with a future government, in the same way that oil companies attempted to shape the policies of previous US administrations.

Needless to say, as a Google employee and certified techno-geek, Justin Baird doesn't agree. Instead, he sees the digital revolution as the greatest explosion of access to information the world has ever seen. Far from being a bad thing, he argues that the potential for creativity, the ability to connect and communicate and the ability to have ones voice heard is driving fundamental societal change.

So, is the digital revolution leading us to a more democratic, more environmentally and socially conscious future? And better business models? - Australian Broadcasting Corporation Justin Baird is an Innovationist at Google Australia.

During his tenure at Google, Justin has helped launch local YouTube portals across Asia Pacific, helped launch the first Android mobile devices in the region, brought the Google Creative Sandbox event to Australia's shores, and co-created DNA, a digital thought leadership series in Australia and New Zealand. Justin is also actively involved in Google's philanthropic efforts to help drive positive change through technology.

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