Jun 20, 2011

Rense & Emord - The 'FDA' is Essential

An introduction to Pharmaceutical attorney Jonathan W Emord's work against the FDA and the Federal Bureaucracy in general.

In The Rise of Tyranny, he argues that the United States has been transformed from a constitutional republic into a bureaucratic oligarchy because over three-quarters of all federal laws are not created by the elected representatives of the people but by the unelected heads of federal bureaucratic agencies. He urges adoption of Congressman Paul’s Congressional Responsibility and Accountability Act which would prohibit agency regulations from being implemented until Congress enacted them as legislation, thereby returning the law making function to Congress and re-establishing the separation of powers. In Global Censorship of Health Information, Emord explains that legal prohibitions on the right to communicate truthful nutrient-disease information in the market are present in every country that regulates drugs and argues for elimination of those prohibitions in favor of speech freedom and fully informed consumer choice.

Jonathan W. Emord - Wikipedia

Jonathan W Emord's deeds do his talkin'... Monte

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