May 28, 2011

This Time Lapse Video of the Very Large Telescope At Work is the Coolest Thing You'll See Today | Before It's News

Your Universe (As Seen From the Home Planet) ESO/Stephane Guisard and Jose Francisco Salgado

There’s very little we can write to preface the imagery below, so we’ll just set the scene and get out of the way. The video below was captured by Stephane Guisard and Jose Francisco Salgado at the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile’s Atacama Desert. And it might make you cry.

What makes this time lapse particularly amazing--because we’ve all seen plenty of time lapse videos of the night sky--is the four telescopes in the foreground. Watching these instruments work against a black background would be endlessly fascinating on its own. Unfortunately you won’t be able to pay them too much attention. Because damn, what a sky.

Time lapse of Very Large Telescope at work..........the setting of the Milky-Way, parallel to
the horizon.............Awesome! ... Monte

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