Aug 8, 2010

2009 Biochar Trials in Hawaii | BioEnergy Lists: BioChar (or Terra Preta)

2009 Biochar Trials in Hawaii
Submitted by Erin Rasmussen on August 5, 2010 - 5:41pm
Last updated August 06, 2010
in Cucumber Farm Field trials Gardening Hunt Landscape Ecology Tomato USA
Josiah Hunt, Landscape Ecology July, 2010

Biochar Trials

In 2009 Landscape Ecology was awarded a grant to produce biochar amended compost and observe plant growth responses. Instead of conducting the growth trials ourselves we donated the material to a series of local Ag businesses to conduct in their systems. Fertilizer use and such vary with the different systems. There are still more results coming in and a few we have yet to follow up on being that many of the recipients were late to apply the material and are just now getting results. We will have several more in coming weeks including palms in nursery, wetland (flooded field) taro, and more of the tomato/cucumber series.

See the attached pdf for more detail.

½” minus hardwood biochar

All biochar used in these photos was produced by Landscape Ecology in an open pit method explained in greater detail at Biochar Hawaii’s website:
The feedstock is mixed tropical hardwoods gathered as scrap from local sawmills.
Some analysis are shown in the attached pdf

Biochar Compost

Composted with coconut and guava chips and horse manure. Allowed 4 months to mature. Maintained a temperature of 135oF on average. Approximately 40% biochar by volume when applied. Biochar was never mechanically ground. Too wide a C:N was found in compost as seen in initial trials. C:N ratio was corrected for later other trials.
Bioassay done by Professor Jonathan Awaya of UHH shown in next slides.
Nutrient analysis of biochar compost available by request.

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