Mar 2, 2010

The Myth of Nitrogen Fertilization for Soil Carbon Sequestration -- Khan et al. 36 (6): 1821 -- Journal of Environmental Quality

Overuse of Nitrogen is Causing Soil Loss of Organic Matter, Atmospheric CO2 enrichment, and NO3– pollution of ground and surface waters!
Received for publication February 2, 2007. Intensive use of N fertilizers in modern agriculture is motivated by the economic value of high grain yields and is generally perceived to sequester soil organic C by increasing the input of crop residues. This perception is at odds with a century of soil organic C data reported herein for the Morrow Plots, the world's oldest experimental site under continuous corn (Zea mays L.). After 40 to 50 yr of synthetic fertilization that exceeded grain N removal by 60 to 190%, a net decline occurred in soil C despite increasingly massive residue C incorporation, the decline being more extensive for a corn–soybean (Glycine maxL. Merr.) or corn–oats (Avena sativa L.)–hay rotation than for continuous corn and of greater intensity for the profile (0–46 cm) than the surface soil. These findings implicate fertilizer N in promoting the decomposition of crop residues and soil organic matter and are consistent with data from numerous cropping experiments involving synthetic N fertilization in the USA Corn Belt and elsewhere, although not with the interpretation usually provided. There are important implications for soil C sequestration because the yield-based input of fertilizer N has commonly exceeded grain N removal for corn production on fertile soils since the 1960s. To mitigate the ongoing consequences of soil deterioration, atmospheric CO2 enrichment, and NO3– pollution of ground and surface waters, N fertilization should be managed by site-specific assessment of soil N availability. Current fertilizer N management practices, if combined with corn stover removal for bioenergy production, exacerbate soil C loss.

1 comment:

  1. Imagine if we had a process to remove billions of tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere safely, quickly and cost-effectively - while at the same time building soil, reversing desertification, boosting biodiversity, enhancing global food security and improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people in rural and regional areas around our planet?

    And all this without using any artificial fertilisers...

    We do - it's called changed grazing management and soil carbon.

    Please take a look at the presentations on to learn more.
