Feb 16, 2010

TED 2010: Graham Hill Has An Idea for Granting Jamie Oliver's Wish for a Food Revolution (Video) : TreeHugger

TreeHugger founder Graham Hill presents his idea at TED 2010; Photo via TED.
graham at TED 2010
Chef Jamie Oliver is a TED Prize winner, and he's made a great wish: 'I wish for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.' The plan is to create an organization that pushes forward a movement inspiring people to improve how they eat. We TreeHuggers are no strangers to the idea that we need a big change in how we raise and consume food - not only will the change improve our health, but it's a primary way of improving the health of the planet. Luckily, Graham Hill is at TED 2010, and gave a three minute talk on his concept for weekday vegetarianism - just such a concept that can go far in granting Oliver's wish."

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