Feb 16, 2010

Pyromaniax: Mississippi State’s SERC group, among 18 others, developing advanced biofuels from pyrolysis : Biofuels Digest - biofuels, biodiesel, ethanol, algae, jatropha, green gasoline, green diesel, and biocrude daily news

18 New Projects - new pyrolysis corporate names

Iowa State. Two Iowa State research teams have received $11.81 million from the Iowa Power Fund, USDA and the Department of Energy. One team received a $2.37 million grant from the Iowa Power Fund, to replace natural gas in ethanol projects with heat and power produced from biomass using gasification technologies. The second grant, $944,000 from USDA and the DOE, will support a project at Iowa State using fast pyrolysis, gasification and nanotechnology, to produce ethanol. Among improvements: new catalysts are solid nanospheres with honeycomb channels, loaded with a metallic catalyst and other species.

Test burn of bio-oil made at Mississippi State's Sustainable Energy Research Center (SERC)
Test burn of bio-oil made at Mississippi State's SERC Center

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