Jan 13, 2014

7 Reasons You Need to Eat More Eggs

Many Americans were raised on the theory that eggs were loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol, and that eating them was a surefire way to promote coronary heart disease. That couldn’t be further from the truth, though. When Wake Forest University researchers reviewed some of the top scientific studies, they found no link between eating eggs and heart disease.

In fact, many leading health experts call eggs the perfect food. The white part and the yolk work together to bring you an ample serving of important vitamins, healthy fats, trace minerals, and other nutrients—all in one convenient, low-calorie package. After all, a single whole, large egg contains just 72 calories. They’re easy to cook, too—nature’s healthy version of convenience food. Here are seven reasons to put eggs back on your menu.

Instant Mood Boost

The Good News: Eggs contain a beneficial blend of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, B vitamins, and iodide, nutrients that work together to battle fatigue and reverse bad moods.

Bonus Tip: Don’t be tricked by “free-range” eggs. The hens may still be housed inside of warehouses (but at least not in tiny cages)

Read More: 11 Instant Mood-Boosting Foods

Nourish Your Muscular System

The Good News: Eggs are one of nature’s best food sources, packaging muscle-protecting protein in a low-calorie food. The B12 in eggs also aids in muscle contraction, a must for avid gardeners!

Bonus Tip: Don’t be fooled by the word natural on your egg carton. “Natural” eggs could come from hens fed antibiotics and genetically engineered feed, two things banned in organic eggs.

Read More: How to Raise Backyard Chickens

Guard Against Cancer

The Good News: Women who eat higher levels of choline, a nutrient found in eggs, are 24 percent less likely to develop breast cancer, according to a recent study. One large egg boasts about 30 percent of your Recommended Dietary Allowance of choline.

Bonus Tip: Most of the choline is concentrated in the yolk, so be sure to include the whole egg in your omelet.

Read More: How Organic Are Those Eggs?

Feed Your Brain

The Good News: The choline in eggs helps keep your memory sharp while increasing the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps your brain store and recall information better. Eggs from hens raised outside on grass pastures also contain more omega-3 fatty acids that help power your brain.

Bonus Tip: Find a farmer who raises birds on pasture and supplements with organic feed. Eggs from chickens raised on grass produce eggs with much vitamin E, which scientists believe could help protect you from developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Read More: 11 Foods That Make You Smarter

Save Your Sight

The Good News: Eggs are a rich source of lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help stave off macular degeneration and cataracts. (Just be sure to eat the yolks!)

Bonus Tip: For an even more potent eye-protecting meal, mix lutein- and zeaxanthin-rich kale or spinach into your omelet.

Read More: 6 Healthy Fats You Should Eat

Slim Down

The Good News: Here’s a delicious way to lose weight! Researchers from Louisiana State University found that when obese people choose an egg breakfast over bagels at least five times a week, they lost 65 percent more weight. And Saint Louis University scientists discovered that eating eggs in the morning led to eating fewer calories throughout the rest of the day, too.

Bonus Tip: Organic, Animal Welfare Approved, and Certified Humane eggs ban the practice of routinely feeding antibiotics to hens.

Read More: 7 Slim-Down Food Swaps

Stop Extinction

The Good News: You can help preserve old-school chicken breeds based on the eggs you choose to eat. Industrial farming generally uses one or two different hen breeds, which threatens the diversity of the species’ gene pool. Luckily, demand for heritage breed eggs is causing a surge in other breeds—some that were or are on the verge of extinction!

Bonus Tip: Search to find farmers in your area that raise heritage breed hens out on pasture.

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7 Reasons You Need to Eat More Eggs

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