Jul 18, 2013

Don't FRACK Our Future - Doreen's Story

Published on Jul 18, 2013

Unconventional gas exploration is threatening Britain and Ireland. Licenses and planning applications have already been granted by the Government with little or no community consultation. The scale of the industrialisation and impacts is never discussed.

This film charts Doreen and John's journey from the shock of the drill rigs arrival to the sickening realisation that their lives and the lives of their family and friends will be profoundly affected. They live in Lancashire within sight of a shale gas well that is scheduled for hydraulic fracturing.

Doreen, John and many others like them are realising that the only way to stop this industry is to inform and empower their community and stand together for a better future.

Saying "No" to unconventional gas opens up many alternatives. Saying "Yes" or doing nothing leaves us facing a future where we are still dependent on fossil fuels with polluted air and water, and thousands of leaking gas wells across the countryside.

Find out how this will affect you, your family and your community. Find out how you can take action to stop the industrialisation of the countryside, pollution of air and water and plan for a better future. You can make a difference. A strong well organised community is the best defence against this industry.

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Animated by Dermot O Connor,
See Dermot's masterpiece (about growth and energy) "There's No Tomorrow" here: and animation tutorials here:
Foley & Music producer: Greg Ford, Greg Ford Company Inc.
Don't FRACK Our Future - Doreen's Story - YouTube

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