Jun 14, 2013

Why America's Shale Oil Boom Could End Sooner Than You Think - Forbes

Eras come and go. Oil derricks at Burkburnett, Texas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

America’s oil producers are nervous. They’ve had a great run the past few years. Domestic oil production is up 43% since 2008 to 6.5 million barrels per day, the highest level in decades. The majority of that 2 million bpd jump comes out of the two most successful new oil fields, the Bakken and the Eagle Ford. To develop these and all the other fields nationwide, the top 50 operators invested $186 billion in 2012, according to Ernst & Young. That was a record level of spending, up 20% over 2011.

You’d think that with drillers getting better, honing techniques and driving down costs, that a 20% increase in investment would bring about a more than commensurate increase in oil and gas production volumes, right? And yet according to Ernst & Young, total U.S. oil and gas production was up “just” 13% on the year.

Full Story: Why America's Shale Oil Boom Could End Sooner Than You Think - Forbes

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