Mar 17, 2013

"FROM THE FRONTLINES" of the Fracking War Going on in this Country!

There is war going on in this country to save our water from pollution... Are we too blinded by $ signs to understand the consequences of our actions or inaction's?   Let's get the science right before we destroy our water resources....  Monte

Published on Feb 28, 2013

From The Frontlines is at Montrose, PA HS with Vera Scroggins and Craig Stevens as they attempt to enter a closed door meeting about a compressor station proposed by Williams Co.

This is the frontlines of the hydrofracking movement..Vera is one of the bravest people I've ever seen. She has quite a few good men who are watching her back. It's dangerous times. Vera and her friends aren't backing down...It's do or die..Hydrofracking is serious business and there are no federal laws regarding slick water hydraulic fracturing and only a few state laws regulating the gas giants.....yikes! 

What is the rush, the gas isn't going anywhere..Get the science right and take responsibility for your actions..Hydrofracking is laying waste to everything in it's path..Talk about David vs Goliath... Vera, Craig, Ray and Brett have recently been banned from any future Williams Co. events..Welcome to Frackland...Welcome to Pennsylvania. Where gas companies run the show.

"FROM THE FRONTLINES", Vera Scroggins & Craig Stevens - YouTube

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