Feb 11, 2013

Nick Turse Describes the Real Vietnam War | Moyers & Company |

Nick Turse Describes the Real Vietnam War from on Vimeo.
February 8, 2013

Journalist Nick Turse describes his personal mission to compile a complete and compelling account of the Vietnam War’s horror as experienced by all sides, including innocent civilians who were sucked into its violent vortex.

Turse, who devoted 12 years to tracking down the true story of Vietnam, unlocked secret troves of documents, interviewed officials and veterans — including many accused of war atrocities — and traveled throughout the Vietnamese countryside talking with eyewitnesses to create his book, Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam.

“American culture has never fully come to grips with Vietnam,” Turse tells Bill, referring to “hidden and forbidden histories that just haven’t been fully engaged.”

Explore More:
Read part of James Henry’s witness statement from 1970, in which he details acts of depravity committed by fellow U.S. soldiers during the Vietnam War. Also view the summary fact sheet of the Army’s final report on the “Henry allegations” in 1974.

Producer: Gina Kim. Editor: Rob Kuhns. Associate Producer:Reniqua Allen. Intro Editor: Paul Henry Desjarlais.

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