Feb 24, 2013

John Kerry: 'We Share Nothing So Completely As Our Planet'

Very encouraging words from our new Secretary of State, John Kerry... I am hopeful of real progress on renewable energy development... and disapproval of the the dreadful Keystone XL Pipeline.
(-: Monte

Published on Feb 20, 2013 2/20/13: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks forcefully on climate change.

KERRY: The stories that we need to tell, of standing up for American jobs and businesses and standing up for our American values, intersect powerfully in the opportunity that we have now in this moment of urgency to lead on the climate concerns that we share with our global neighbors. We as a nation must have the foresight and the courage to make the investments necessary to safeguard the most sacred trust we keep for our children and our grandchildren, and that is an environment not ravaged by rising seas, deadly superstorms, devastating droughts, and the other hallmarks of a dramatically changing climate. President Obama is committed to moving forward on that, and so am I, and so must you be ready to join us in that effort. (Applause.)
. . .
So think about all these things that I've listed. Think about the world as you see it today. Let's face it: We are all in this one together. No nation can stand alone. We share nothing so completely as our planet. When we work with others, large and small, to develop and deploy the clean technologies that will power a new world -- and they're there waiting for us, $6 trillion market, huge amount of jobs -- when we do that, we know we're helping create the new markets and new opportunities for America's second-to-none innovators and entrepreneurs so that we can succeed in the next great revolution in our marketplace. We need to commit ourselves to doing the smart thing and the right thing and to truly take on this challenge, because if we don't rise to meet it, then rising temperatures and rising sea levels will surely lead to rising costs down the road. Ask any insurance company in America. If we waste this opportunity, it may be the only thing our generation -- generations -- are remembered for. We need to find the courage to leave a far different legacy.
John Kerry: 'We Share Nothing So Completely As Our Planet' - YouTube

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