Dec 28, 2012

Townes Van Zandt The Movie

Be Here To Love Me: A Film About Townes Van Zandt
Pro­gramme: Re­al to Reel
Di­rec­tor: Mar­garet Brown
Coun­try: USA
Year: 2004
Lan­guage: En­glish
Time: 99 min­utes
Film Types: Colour/HD­CAM Pro­duc­tion Com­pa­ny: Rake Films
Ex­ec­u­tive Pro­duc­er: Chris Matts­son, Paul Stek­ler, Louis Black
Pro­duc­er: Mar­garet Brown, Sam Brum­baugh
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Lee Daniel
Ed­i­tor: Michael Tay­lor, Karen Skloss, Don Howard
Sound: Bob Kel­lough, Tom Ham­mond
Mu­sic: Townes Van Zandt, Willie Nel­son, Mer­le Hag­gard, Lyle Lovett
Prin­ci­pal Cast: Townes Van Zandt, Willie Nel­son, Kris Kristof­fer­son, Em­my­lou Har­ris, Steve Ear­le, Guy Clarke, and Steve Shel­ley from Son­ic Youth -​ www.townes­the­ -​
-​-​ As a mu­si­cian, Townes Van Zandt was leg­endary – per­haps one of the great­est who ev­er lived, in­spir­ing artists from Bob Dy­lan to No­rah Jones to Steve Ear­le. As a man, a hus­band, and a fa­ther his life was as trag­ic and as beau­ti­ful as the songs he wrote. Townes was an enig­ma to his fam­i­ly, pinned be­tween a deep long­ing for home and the no­madic lifestyle that was nec­es­sary for his liveli­hood. Di­rec­tor Mar­garet Brown’s Be Here To Love Me is an art­ful, ex­pert­ly di­rect­ed por­trait of both of these sides of Van Zandt and ul­ti­mate­ly serves as an in­sight­ful look at the sac­ri­fices, chal­lenges, and con­se­quences faced in pur­suit of a dream. Haunt­ing and lyri­cal, Be Here To Love Me com­bines emo­tion­al in­ter­views with friends and fam­i­ly with nev­er seen footage of Townes Van Zandt.

Related Links:
Townes Van Zandt Central
Townes Van Zandt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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