Aug 19, 2012

8 Reasons Not To Trust Monsanto With Your Food [Infographic] | Care2 Causes

Full Article:
by Beth Buczynski
September 21, 2011

Here’s how Monsanto characterizes itself on its official Twitter profile:

“Monsanto is an agricultural company using innovation to help farmers produce more while conserving more.”

Sounds great, right?

What Monsanto doesn’t tell you is that their specialty is actually agricultural chemicals. Dangerous, untested chemicals. And genetic modification of food crops that’s been scientifically proven to be harmful to human health and the environment.

In the infographic below, artist Joe Mohr chronicles the company’s toxic and deadly past, and reasons why local, organic food should be the only thing gracing your cupboards and fridge.

More info on Monsanto’s past, present and future, including sources for this graphic, can be found here.

Related Reading:

Monsanto Corn At Farmers’ Markets?
Anonymous Activists Shut Down Monsanto Website
Research Links Monsanto’s Roundup To Root Fungus

Read more: agent orange, biotech, chemicals, ge, genetically modified, gmo, monsanto, organic

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