Jul 30, 2012

Mississippi River Approaching Flat Pool, Andalusia Slough, 4 Miles West of Andalusia, Illinois

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Mississippi River at Davenport, Iowa
Photo 1 - May 1931

Low water looking northeast from Arsenal Island towards Iowa shoreline. In the early years before navigation improvements, the Mississippi River experienced wide fluctuations of high and low water. Backwater fish and wildlife habitat was limited prior to lock and dam construction and pooling of the River. During many summer seasons, low water completely stopped traffic on the Mississippi. Oftentimes, water levels were low enough to walk across the River from Iowa to Illinois. Here, three residents walk on the floor of the Mississippi.

Glad we have a government operated lock and dam system on the Upper Mississippi River to maintain water levels and provide for fish and wildlife and human resources. As climate change impacts become more apparent, we are fortunate to have this resource in "our backyard"... Monte & Eileen Hines

Related Links:
Mississippi River Daily Stage Forecasts
Mississippi River - Before and After Locks and Dams
Pearl Button History
The Landscape Photography of Henry Bosse
History Of The Rock Island District

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