May 13, 2012

Buz No Till Garden - YouTube

Published on May 13, 2012 by Buzatesri

This is a montage of my no-till garden in mid-Late April 2012. In October 2011 I established a cover crop of rye, vetch (3 varieties), crimson clover, Austrian winter peas, daikon radish and some oats. I rolled the cover crop as I needed the space. The residue that held best was where I rolled later (mid-April) and where the rye was well-established.

One of the reasons I established this garden (it's on an unused lot on my street) is that my neighbor who was a farm girl was incredulous that you could grow vegetables without plowing the place up. I took that as a challenge last year and it's been interesting watching my neighbors skepticism begin to vanish as we go through the project. Early days yet -- weeds will be an issue and I am running around the neighborhood with wheelbarrow collecting leaf mulch to fill in places where the cover crop mat has melded.

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