Apr 27, 2012

Oak Wilt

Uploaded by BranchingOutCornell on Sep 12, 2008
Oak Wilt in New York by George Hudler, Cornell University

Uploaded by IowaStateExtension on Apr 7, 2011
This segment from the Gardening in the Zone series focuses on oak wilt, with Christine Engelbrecht, from Iowa State.

Uploaded by alcoopextensionvideo on Feb 25, 2010
Dr. Scott Enebak Auburn University School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, discusses the characteristics of common forest diseases.

Related Links:
Oak wilt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HOW to Identify, Prevent, and Control Oak Wilt

Title: How To Identify, Prevent, and Control Oak Wilt
Author: O'Brien, Joseph; Mielke, Manfred; Starkey, Dale; Juzwik, Jennifer

Year: 2011

Publication: USDA Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Northeastern Area, State & Private Forestry, NA-FR-01-11

Abstract: Oak wilt is an aggressive disease that affects many species of oak (Quercus spp.). It is one of the most serious tree diseases in the eastern United States, killing thousands of oaks each year in forests, woodlots, and home landscapes.

Oak wilt was first identified in 1944. The fungal pathogen that causes the disease, Ceratocystis fagacearum, is thought by most to be native to the eastern United States, but difficulty in isolating and identifying the fungus delayed recognition of the extent of its impact until the 1980's. Some plant pathologists think that oak wilt is an exotic disease, arriving in North America in the early 1900's, but the fungus has never been reported from any country other than the United States. The disease has also become much more apparent in some local areas since the 1980's because of increased tree wounding, due primarily to home construction in oak woods.

Online Access: (PDF)
The milling process is beginning with the pines for the roof. Doug and I also worked with a miller when we built our timber frame barn. We milled a stand of oaks killed by oak wilt for the roof boards of the barn. Doug and I spent two very physical days lifting each inch-thick oak plank off the mill and stacking them. Each cut revealed grain more beautiful than the last. It was like going to an art gallery of wood.

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