Feb 5, 2012

"Sustainable Strategy" - Big Ideas - Changing the World Today - What is Wisdom? - Colin Coyne

My greatest take away from this presentation was this equation presented on a slide.

I have never seen such a clear understanding of Wisdom.

This explains why we have such great synergy when we are able to work in groups in a positive, honest, and objective way.

So simple! So awesome! So powerful! ...

It seems if everyone understood this, and practiced it, we could fix most problems of the world, in a better way... Monte Hines

Uploaded by TEDxTalks on Feb 4, 2012

Colin is nationally recognized for his work in sustainability, emphasizing corporate strategic opportunities and a for-profit model to enhance the enterprise and community. His "Sustainable Strategy" course at the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago is at the forefront of new strategic thought in the 21st century business world -- a world in which margins are pressed due to the free flow of information, climate change is shaping global policy and trade, and the battle over scarce resources will be one of management's greatest challenges.

Colin also serves as an adjunct professor at Samford University where he teaches "The Economics of Sustainability" to masters and PhD students in the School of Biology and Environmental Sciences; is an adjunct professor teaching "Sustainable Enterprise" at the Lipscomb University Institute for Sustainable Practice in Nashville to graduate and executive students; and, is a faculty member at Auburn University's Economic & Community Development Institute.
Reference Link:
Presentation=90 seconds
synergy - Wikipedia - The term synergy was refined by R. Buckminster Fuller, who analyzed some of its implications more fully and coined the term Synergetics

1 comment:

  1. It is my honor and privileged to found and read your post. It made me learn a lot of different ideas. Keep up the good work.

