Feb 8, 2012

TED talk on Ecosystem Services | Resilience Science

Complete Ted Talk Link: pavan_sukhdev_what_s_the_price_of_nature
Ted Talk:

Economist Pavan Sukhdev, who headed The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity TEEB project that synthesized work on economics on biodiversity and ecosystem services, gives a TED talk Put a value on nature!

Every day, we use materials from the earth without thinking, for free. But what if we had to pay for their true value: would it make us more careful about what we use and what we waste? Think of Pavan Sukhdev as nature's banker -- assessing the value of the Earth's assets. Eye-opening charts will make you think differently about the cost of air, water, trees ... Very interesting and informing  talk on value of nature...!  Monte

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