Aug 2, 2011

‪Real Time With Bill Maher, New Rules-Socialism

Bill Maher explains how The United States of America is a socialist country and everyone accepts Government help and most aren't smart enough to figure it out.


"The difference is that European taxpayers money is actually spent on European taxpayers, whereas in the US, taxpayers money is given to corporations like candy. Most of the US government budget is really corporate welfare; the welfare hand-outs to spongers like Lockheed, Halliburton, Blackwater, etc, and the massive government subsidies for the greedy US Pharmaceutical companies, and the obscene farm subsidies. Then there's the bailing out of Wall Street. Socialism for the Rich."

"The problem with America is that it's people are stupid and don't really know how their government works. It is said that only 20 % of the US population is responsible for the US prestige, the rest are just plain air-heads with mob mentality."

Bill Maher nailing it...!!! Monte

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