Aug 15, 2011

Jamais Cascio: Hacking the Earth

Jamais Cascio, writer and co-founder of, examines various risks involved in the pursuit of mass-scale geoengineering as a response to global warming. Along with unknown scientific considerations, Cascio warns that geoengineering could be fertile ground for international political conflict. 

----- NEXT -- Nordic EXceptional Trendshop -- is a unique chance to get close to some of today's greatest minds. NEXT is a vessel bound for the new, the odd angled and the unpredictable. A home ground for exceptional minds and their inventions.

The first NEXT was held in 2004 and since then NEXT had grown to be an international -- and acclaimed -- landmark for forward thinking, the new and the next within technology and business oriented innovation. - Innovation Lab Jamais Cascio is a San Francisco Bay Area-based writer and ethical futurist specializing in design strategies and possible outcomes for future scenarios.

Cascio received his undergraduate degree from UC Santa Cruz and his ABD at UC Berkeley. Selected by Foreign Policy magazine as one of their Top 100 Global Thinkers, Jamais Cascio writes about the intersection of emerging technologies, environmental dilemmas, and cultural transformation, specializing in the design and creation of plausible scenarios of the future. His work focuses on the importance of long-term, systemic thinking, emphasizing the power of openness, transparency and flexibility as catalysts for building a more resilient society.

Cascio's work appears in publications as diverse as Metropolis, the Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and Foreign Policy. He has been featured in multiple television programs discussing foresight and environmental issues, including National Geographic Television's Six Degrees, its 2008 documentary on the effects of global warming, the History Channel's Science Impossible, its 2009 series on emerging technologies, and the 2010 Canadian Broadcasting Company documentary, Surviving the Future.

Very interesting discussion... worth the time to view...  Monte

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