Aug 3, 2011

The Fastest Living Thing on the Planet! 20,000 G !!! 100 Times the Speed of Sound !!!

Photomicrograph of Pilobolus crystallinus, the hat-throwing fungus

Hat thrower fungus

Hat-thrower fungi earn their name from their habit of firing spore capsules away from the parent fungus. The spores stick to grass and can safely pass through a grazing animal's digestive tract, so that they emerge from the other end in a dollop of dung. These fungi then grow in the dung completing the life cycle. This fungus rarely reaches 5cm in height, but can propel the spore capsule a mighty 2m away.
Scientific name: Pilobolus crystallinus
Rank: Species
Common names:
Cap throwing fungus,
Dung cannon

Nature is amazing...!!! Monte

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