Jul 3, 2011

Video: Ducks blown off their feet by the wind - Telegraph

Original without music... Video with music - "Against the Wind" 7:50PM GMT 03 Dec 2010
A mother duck and her 12 duckling were crossing an open stretch of land at Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto, Canada, on a windy day when a particularly strong gust of wind blew the family off their feet.
The ducklings were sent skidding and rolling more than 20 feet across the paved surface and even the mother duck, who spread her wings for balance, suffered an undignified tumble.
When the wind subsided, the ruffled but apparently unhurt avian convoy were able to quickly reform and carry on their crossing.
The incident was captured by a 31-year-old Californian tourist who was visiting Toronto at the time.
Nature teaches... Pick yourself up and go on...

Thanks Mike Smith for the video! ...Monte

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