Apr 25, 2011

DIY Worm Tower Creates Self-Spreading Compost (Video) : TreeHugger

how to build a worm tower image Image credit: Permaculture Science
From building your own worm bin to how to build a compost tumbler, we've covered plenty of simple, DIY solutions for home composting here on TreeHugger. But what about a worm bin that literally spreads its own contents in your garden? That's the idea behind a worm tower, which—it is claimed—uses free-ranging compost worms to break down organic waste and then move those nutrients out into your garden.
I like to think of myself as a relatively enthusiastic compost geek, but I must confess I have neither heard of, nor experienced, the concept of a worm tower. Nevertheless, the idea of actively encouraging compost worms not just to do their work at composting, but to then spread out into your garden and poop liberally strikes me—in theory at least—as being an elegant, low maintenance way of keeping nutrients cycling in your garden. Looks like lazivore gardening at its finest!
Just one question—anyone got any experience of whether this actually works?
More on Worm Compost and Composting Worm Compost Suppresses Plant Diseases Vermicondo: Worm Composter By Levitt Goodman More on Compost Tumblers, Compost and Composting Build Your Own Compost Tumbler (Video) Building a Hot Compost Heap How to Heat Your Shower with Compost Composting as Animal Husbandry: Moving Way Beyond Recycling

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