Feb 4, 2011

The Organic Opportunity

The Organic Opportunity (26:00) from Christopher B. Bedford on Vimeo.

“THE ORGANIC OPPORTUNITY/Local Organic Food as Economic Development in Woodbury County, Iowa” tells the story of the first county in the US to promote local organic agriculture as economic development. In 2005, Woodbury County, Iowa became the first county in the nation to offer tax rebates to farmers who transition to organic agriculture. In 2006, the county became the first in the nation to mandate the purchase of locally grown organic food by county institutions. And now the county is offering access to farm land and housing to new farmers who relocate there to farm organically. Home to the Floyd Boulevard Local Foods Market in Sioux City – the first farmers market to exclusively sell “healthy, humane, homegrown” food – Sioux City and Woodbury County are experiencing an economic renaissance built around the promotion of small organic family farms. “The Organic Opportunity” looks at these developments in depth, offering anyone interested in economic development and healthy food a model for change in their communities. The film is produced by The Center for Economic Security. Award winning writer-director, Chris Bedford, is the film maker. DVDs are available through Local Harvest

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