Mar 11, 2010

Biochar work at Burt's Greenhouses

Alex on the Edge of the Char pool

Hugh McLaughlin was in Kingston for 3 days of visits and work shops. Hugh had a very successful and well attended workshop at Queen's University. He covered a lot of ground over the course of an afternoon on the basics of characterizing charcoal down to his "1G Toucan" stove for making a small quantity of charcoal for experimental purposes. On Wednesday Hugh, Julie Major of the IBI and Lloyd Hefferty of Ontario Biochar spent the morning at our greenhouses discussing the process by which we make charcoal. This was a very fruitful exercise that was characterized by an openness that makes this type of work twice the fun! Thursday was the last day and Hugh gave a seminar in the morning. It was well attended with a mix of some academics that missed the Tues. workshop as well as local people from Wilton (wondering what Burt's are up to!) and a further mix of farmers and just plain interested from as far away as St. Catharines. After the seminar at the Wilton Woman's Instite Hall everyone came to the greenhouse for a tour. It was a hectic time for Alex to make sure the system was up and running and both of us were kept busy with questions about our system. It really was a delight to give the tour and see the sincere interest in Biochar as well as receive so many informed questions. Of course everyone should have been informed having just come from Biochar 101 with Hugh! ...

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