Feb 18, 2010

Downdraft Gasification, Gasifier, Woodchips, Fuel, Heat, Canadian Gasifier

Canadian Gasifier, is a biomass to energy gasifier, design and pilot project, build & research company.We Design and build small to mid-scale "Fuel / Heat / Cogen" Gasifiers.These gasifiers are used for various functions, they can be mounted on trucks & cars, or used to heat water for "district heating" of a home & shop or larger applications like a large farm operation or small business, or even run an electric generator for (off grid) applications, or, selling back to an electricity utility company.What is a Gasifier ?

Gasifiers (our gasifiers in particular) run on a clients feedstock, usually consisting of types of grasses or woodchips from a renewable perennial planting of hay or wood(generally switchgrass or willow) the client has made the commitment to themselves to be "as green as can be" or is simply tired of the energy companies always having a "hand in their pocket".

Gasifiers generally run on a portion of the supplied feedstock as well as converting the balance of it to a fuel for other applications by a process known as "thermally driven, chemical reduction of biomass" or in easier terms, they burn part of the feedstock to attain the heat needed to reduce the rest of the feedstock into elemental gases, like hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6), Ethylene (C2H4), Argon (Ar), and Nitrogen (N2). this mixture of gases is much the same as natural gas or propane, and burns with almost the same power. All of our gasifiers, are of the downdraft style, and are self fueling, require only small amounts of electricity, (under 15 amps) they need little to no maintenance other than a routine check, and periodic feedstock bunker (fuel) re-filling (like filling your car). ...

 Awesome Work! - 

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