Feb 22, 2010

Alcohol and Driving DO Mix

Helping America Become a Nation of Alcoholics (not in a MADD way)
SEE ALSO: Exclusive Audio of Feb 3, 2010 Conference Call U.S. Energy Bio-fuel Task Force
SEE ALSO: Princeton BioEthanol Tutorial
SEE ALSO: Ed Begley, Jr, Converts Prius to use Ethanol and Ethanol Booster (Road Trip VIDEO)
By Bob Gordon
President and Co-publisher
The Auto Channel

AUTO CENTRAL - October 4, 2009: Last week Marc Rauch, my friend, business partner and co-founder of The Auto Channel, traveled down to LA from his home in Northern California to interview and visit with Ed Begley Jr., an actor who is VERY involved with the future of our world, and David Blume author of a book titled Alcohol can be Gas. ...

PHOTO (select to view enlarged photo)

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