Mar 16, 2013

Algae Blooms Threaten Lake Erie -

Bad News for Lake Erie!
1) Phosphorus pollution from agriculture
2) Zebra mussel, a foreign invader that has dominated Erie since its discovery in 1988. Millions of mussels feast on nontoxic green algae, removing competitors to the toxic Microcystis algae and decimating the base of the food chain that supports Erie’s fish. Then in a vicious cycle, mussels excrete the algae’s phosphorus, providing the Microcystis a ready-made meal.

3) Climate change. Only heavy rains wash fertilizer off farmland, and since 1940, Mr. Richards said, heavy spring rainstorms have increased by 13 percent.    ... Monte

Algae blooms, like this one in 2011, are threatening Lake Erie.
Published: March 14, 2013

TOLEDO, Ohio — For those who live and play on the shores of Lake Erie, the spring rains that will begin falling here soon are less a blessing than a portent. They could threaten the very future of the lake itself.
Full Story Link: Algae Blooms Threaten Lake Erie -

Weekly Address: Time to Create the Energy Security Trust - YouTube

"Time to Create the Energy Security Trust"
A little bit of dirty oil money to do research on clean energy science without propaganda.
Science jobs / clean energy jobs / regain our lead in world...
Our kids and grand kids are depending on us!

I am impressed...
I am against all NEW NUCLEAR energy (too risky and costly) and Fracking for gas (it will pollute our water), but the rest of the message is right on. If we are to save our species, what BO and knowledgeable leaders are stating needs to be done. Let's get it done and lead the world as a caring people that most of us are!... Monte

Published on Mar 16, 2013

President Obama discusses the need to harness American energy in order to reduce our dependence on oil and make the United States a magnet for new jobs. He highlights his all-of-the-above approach to American energy -- including a proposal to establish an Energy Security Trust, which invests in research that will help shift our cars and trucks off of oil.

U.S. military gets serious about microgrids … which is more exciting than it sounds | Grist

Micro-grids are a key to our sustainable future. They would help rejuvenate our local communities. Producing energy locally makes sense.  Utlization of wastes, downed timber, city wastes, agriculture non food feedstocks could be used. Biochar and energy could be produced. Biochar would rejuvenate our ag soils and sequester carbon in the soil. :-) ...Monte

Mar 15, 2013

Pipeline struck by tug still burning, yards away from oil-laden barge | Grist

Coast Guard
This photo, taken Wednesday, shows how close the oil barge, on the left, is to the burning tug and pipeline. The barge contains 2,200 barrels of crude oil.

A tugboat and a gas pipeline continued to burn in Louisiana on Thursday — and connected to the burning tug is a barge laden with 2,200 barrels of crude oil, potentially ready to catch fire or spill.

The tug crashed into the liquid petroleum pipeline in Bayou Perot, 30 miles south of New Orleans, on Tuesday evening in shallow water after its crew steered into an area that vessels are not supposed to enter.

Not only was the no-go area clearly marked with white stakes, but the crew apparently plowed right over the warning stakes. ”The tug and barge was in the middle [of a marked pipeline area],” Coast Guard spokesman Tanner Stiehl told WWMT. “It had taken down some of the white stakes and was in the middle of that area.”

Miraculously, all of the barge’s crude has remained safely aboard so far, as emergency crews sprayed water over the barge to keep it cool and over the nearby flames. More than a dozen emergency response boats were floating near the fire on Thursday, with 40 emergency workers on hand ready to respond to a spill. A ring of floating absorbent boom was laid around the barge to help contain the oil if it leaks.

But nothing can be done to extinguish the blaze — officials are waiting for the contents of the severed liquid petroleum gas pipeline to burn themselves out. (Previous reports inaccurately stated that it was a natural gas pipeline.) 

The Associated Press reported on Wednesday:

The Coast Guard said pipeline owner Chevron shut off the flow of gas to the area, but what’s left in the 19-mile section of pipeline could fuel the fire until Thursday or later.

Petty Officer William Colclaugh said Chevron began a process Wednesday to inject nitrogen gas into the pipeline in hopes of extinguishing the blaze, but it was unclear how soon that might affect the fire.

An oil spill would wreak further havoc on fisheries and coastal ecosystems in an area still affected by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill. The Coast Guard had previously said that Tuesday’s accident had triggered an oil spill. It now appears that the sheen the Coast Guard had spotted on the water surrounding the accident was not oil — it was a thick layer of ash from the blazing gas.

As emergency workers labored to protect the oil-laden barge from the flames on Thursday, questions were being asked about how the crew of the 47-foot tug Shanon E. Settoon could have drifted so far off course.

Unusually, the Coast Guard refused to say whether the tug boat crew had been tested for drugs and alcohol after the accident, as is standard practice. “We’re not releasing that information,” Stiehl told Grist. As many as four members of the tug boat’s crew were reportedly injured. The captain reportedly suffered burns to more than three-quarters of his body, which could have complicated normal toxicology testing procedures.

USACE - 3D Printing - YouTube

YES 3D Printing is one of the NEXT BEST THINGS!   Monte

Published on Mar 14, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- In the film "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids," a scientist creates a machine that shrinks large items down to very small sizes. But something goes wrong when he mistakenly shrinks four kids to the size of ants, providing them with a very different view of their world, and some wild adventures as they try to get back to reality - and their normal size.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District uses a similar machine to design its most complicated projects - minus the hi-jinks.

For the past four years, the Sacramento District has used a 3-D printer to build scale models of two of its largest construction projects, the Folsom Dam auxiliary spillway and upgrades to Isabella Lake Dam.

Based on computer-aided design, the 3-D printer allows full-scale project components to be shrunk into a handheld model that team members can use to better visualize and conceptualize their work like never before.

"While this printer is becoming common throughout the industry, the only way we would've been able to get models like this before would've been to hand-craft it," said building information modeling manager Kevin Russ, who transforms a computer drawing into the final model.

Now, thanks to precision accuracy and durable parts, the scaled models are not only proving to be invaluable to project staff, but also superior showpieces to help explain complicated Corps construction projects.

The printer uses strands of ABS plastic, material typically used for household drainage pipes, less than a tenth-of-an-inch thick to create perfectly-scaled 3-D models in a matter of hours.

About 25 miles northeast of downtown Sacramento, construction crews are working to complete one of the Corps' biggest projects—a new spillway at Folsom Dam, designed to help reduce the risk of flooding throughout the Sacramento region.

The centerpiece of the project is a 367-foot-wide by 146-foot-high control structure, essentially a second dam. With an estimated project cost of more than $750 million, it's important to be able to show and describe how the project will work to government leaders, the public and project staff.

"When compared to a 2-D drawing or rendering that only shows the outer surface of the project, a 3-D model provides a much better way to help explain what the project is and how all of its pieces will function to a non-technical audience," said Dave Neff, technical lead for the auxiliary spillway project.

While many models can be printed in three or four hours, a 1/240-scale model of Folsom Dam's new dam took more than three days to complete. It's built in sections that come apart like building blocks, revealing the interior workings of the structure.

"Having the various components allows you to peel back and see how it all fits together and how the pieces interact on the inside," Neff said. "The shafts, stairways and even the equipment room are all there for you to see."

Seeing it all together instead of on separate pages of plans helps the project staff better understand how maintenance or other facility needs can be met, Neff said.

The models have helped on other major projects, as well.

Isabella Lake Dam, located 40 miles northeast of Bakersfield, is nearly 60 years old and among the Corps' most at-risk dams. In 2006, the Sacramento District began studying how it could best modernize the dam and reduce the likelihood of dam failure, which would inundate most of Bakersfield and imperil most of its 350,000 residents.

The Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project was approved by Corps headquarters in December 2012. But to get there, project staff considered a wide array of solutions including some uncommon design proposals. 3-D models helped them evaluate the options.

"It's said a picture is worth a thousand words, well a 3-D model is worth 10 times that," said Nathan Cox, lead hydraulic engineer for the Isabella Dam project.

Moving forward, the team plans to continue taking advantage of the 3-D printer as the project shifts from study to design.

"It has been extremely helpful to have the technology in-house," Cox said. "As we move into the preconstruction engineering and design phase, we plan on creating a model of the Borel Tunnel to better see its unique, non-conventional design."

While all four kids in the movie return to their normal size, only a few Corps 3-D models eventually become life-size. But even the ones that don't make the cut help designers conceptualize the final project.

"It really is just an invaluable tool," Neff said.

More USACE news at

Mar 14, 2013

Tsunami attacking in Minami-Sanriku - YouTube

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Uploaded on Apr 10, 2011

The Great East Japan Earthquake, we have taken with a digital camera how the tsunami as seen from the high school Shizugawa Minamisanriku . Towards the end, those who are fleeing the field has helped everyone. Added to the time of 9.11, who seems to have the stomach symptoms of PTSD came out by the image of the news flow . Can continue to see the shocking footage like this is not a positive mental health. Please note -. This tsunami swept away a house myself, I lost some cats that had been kept. Want to see this video so much I do not think so, we have finally uploaded the fall we lost. I do not think will lead to understanding the feelings of the victims can see this, what happened I was open to the public wanted to get to know someone to do what it was it. I append so we have translated into English. This video taken with my digital camera shows the huge tsunami, after the catastrophic earthquake having attacked the eastern part of Japan, is rushing through my home town, Minami-Sanriku. I took this at Shizukawa high school on the hill near my house. On End part of the video all the People running away on the plot managed to Escape from the tsunami in luck. I'd Like to warn You to Watch The reason this is the Following:. I heard Some People Became PTSD, who had seen the tragic news on the 9.11 terror attack in 2001. This shocking video also apparently would affect the minds of the viewers. My house has also been swept away and my cat has been lost. I don't want to watch this and don't think this video helps much your understanding to the sufferers as me. However I uploaded it after a lot of hesitation. I hope something of it moves you to want to know what happens to us on 3.11.

Amazing how mother nature can change lives quickly and forever! We (society) need to learn its anger and respect it more... We share the planet, planetary systems, ... with nature... Monte

GNP - Gross National Product - What it is! - What it is not!

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Gross national product - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gross national product (GNP) is the market value of all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the residents of a country. Unlike Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which defines production based on the geographical location of production, GNP allocates production based on ownership.

GNP does not distinguish between qualitative improvements in the state of the technical arts (e.g., increasing computer processing speeds), and quantitative increases in goods (e.g., number of computers produced), and considers both to be forms of "economic growth".[1]

Basically, GNP is the total value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a particular year, plus income earned by its citizens (including income of those located abroad), minus income of non-residents located in that country. GNP measures the value of goods and services that the country's citizens produced regardless of their location. GNP is one measure of the economic condition of a country, under the assumption that a higher GNP leads to a higher quality of living, all other things being equal.

GNP is not a measure of who we are as a people unless we let it be... We should never let it be!  ............. With regards and respect ... Monte & Eileen Hines

Mar 12, 2013

Charlie Rose - Jeremy Grantham


Charlie Rose interviews Jeremy Grantham, Co-founder and Chief Investment Strategist of Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo

This man get's it! I agree with his energy, water, and agriculture assessment and what needs to be done.

Jeremy Grantham is the best in the business of predicting bubbles.

I would never bet against him! Interview with Charlie Rose was amazing! 

74 year old with a 44 year investment track record. 

He agrees with Paul Krugman that our national debt is not an immediate problem. 

Low stable growth rates are good as long as we invest in green energy, insulation of houses, good public works, etc.

Keeping interest rates low, penalizes older Americans and is advantageous to the already rich, banks, and corporations.

HE UNDERSTANDS --> GNP Gross National Product is not a "True Measure of a Country"

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55 Uses of Biochar

Full Article: Ithaka-Journal für Terroirwein, Biodiversität und Klimafarming » Blog Archiv » 55 Uses of Biochar

by Hans-Peter Schmidt

Initially only used in agriculture, the range of uses for biochar now covers a wide range of different fields, giving this plant-based raw material the chance to make the most of its positive properties. Wherever biochar is specifically used even for industrial purposes, the carbon taken from the atmosphere in the form of CO2 can be stored for long periods or at least used to replace fossil carbon sources.

Biochar is much too valuable and expensive for any farmer to be able to afford to spread 10 tonnes or more per hectare on his fields. Whereas a hectare will normally provide an annual benefice of EUR 1000, the EUR 8000 needed to purchase and spread the biochar would need to be amortised over several decades. The CO2 certificates favoured by so many outside the trade would be of no much help either.
Does it really make sense to work biochar into fields?

These economic considerations are not so different from what the natives in the Amazon delta and Australia had to face when they used biochar to improve their soils, and where you will still find some places with over 100 tonnes of biochar buried into just one hectare of soil. Even if no money existed back in those days, it would have made no economic sense to cut down some 300 to 400 huge rain forest trees and then use ancient charcoal kilns to make some 100 tonnes of biochar from 2000 tonnes of wood – just to bury the biochar in the soil. And don’t forget: all this would have been done without any chainsaws or axes and no animals to pull the logs close to the field

The idea of applying dozens of tonnes of biochar to fields can only come from scholars who, on the basis of a right observation (50 t biochar per hectare) have arrived at a false conclusion completely without any practical relevance – i.e. the massive one-time application of biochar. And this is quite apart from the fact that no soil becomes Terra Preta just because tonnes of char have been ploughed in.
Example of Terra Preta Cultures

The char used back then was probably created in the typical hearths of the natives, in which not just ash but also relatively large amounts of charcoal were produced at relatively low heat (Smith 1999). This char, basically a waste product, was then apparently used as a way of preventing infectious diseases. This was done by regularly adding char to faeces and other waste in the large jungle settlements, thus sterilising them (see Terra Preta – Model of a Cultural Technique). Once the organic waste had been stabilised through composting or fermenting it with added char, it was then used as a fertiliser on the fields. These methods led to the char being loaded with nutrients and its surface achieving greater binding capability through oxidisation, with the consequence that, once worked into the soil, the char was able to fully unfold its function as a nutrient store and humus stabiliser (through the creation of char-clay-humus complexes).
According to investigations carried out by Bruno Glaser and colleagues (Birk et al 2007), the amount of phosphor in Terra Preta soils compared to natural soils in the immediate vicinity can be up to 500 times higher. Different to carbon and nitrogen, phosphor can not be accumulated in the soil through plant growth, but mainly through the manual addition of excrement, (fish-)bones and ash. A rough estimate shows that the char- stabilised organic waste of some 500 people must have been worked into every hectare of soil over a period of 1000 years to gain such Terra Preta nutrient contents. Terra Preta has been created over centuries through the secondary use of biochar for recycling organic wastes. In other words, it took centuries to bring the biochar content of the soil up to over 100 tonnes per hectare.
The many uses of biochar

Biochar is much too valuable for it to be just worked into the soil without having it used at least once for more beneficial purposes – whether as storage for volatile nutrients, as an adsorber in functional clothing, as insulation in the building industry, as energy storage in batteries, as a filter in a sewage plant, as a silage agent or as a feed supplement. Such uses can be followed by use in a farmer’s slurry pit or in a sewage plant, before being composted. It should only be worked into the soil at the end of this “cascade”, helping to create Terra Preta.

The following list of 55 possible uses of biochar is by no means complete. In fact it has only just been started. In the medium term biochar will (or must) replace oil as the main raw material of our industrial society, insofar as mankind is willing to maintain living conditions on the planet in the long term (see: Biochar – a key technology for the planet).

We will initially just comment shortly on each usage of the list, as we intend to devote in-depth articles to some of them, highlighting in particular the use of biochar in agriculture and cattle farming and supporting the articles with the latest research findings. Biochar is without doubt one of the decade’s most exciting fields of research, with findings and their practical implementation increasing exponentially from year to year. Nevertheless, however much we enthuse over our field of research and the importance of our findings, it’s the real world that decides about its success.
The cascaded use of biochar in animal farming1. Silage agent, 2. Feed additive / supplement, 3. Litter additive, 4. Slurry treatment, 5. Manure composting, 6. Water treatment in fish farming

At present some 90% of the biochar used in Europe goes into animal farming. Different to its application to fields, a farmer will notice its effects within a few days. Whether used in feeding, litter or in slurry treatment, a farmer will quickly notice less smell. Used as a feed supplement, the incidence of diarrhoea rapidly decreases, feed intake is improved, allergies disappear, and the animals become calmer. For in-depth articles on the use of biochar in cattle and poultry farming, see: Treating liquid manure with biochar, Biochar in poultry farming, The use of biochar in cattle farming. Over 80 farmers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are currently (as of January 2013) being surveyed with the aim of creating a statistic on the effects of biochar in the cowshed. The first results are expected in Mai 2013.
Use as a soil conditioner7. Carbon fertiliser, 8. Compost, 9. Substitute for peat in potting soil, 10. Plant protection, 11. Compensatory fertiliser for trace elements

In certain very poor soils (mainly in the tropics), positive effects on soil fertility were seen when applying untreated biochar. These include the higher capacity of the soil to store water, aeration of the soil and the release of nutrients through raising the soil’s ph-value. In temperate climates, soils tend to have a humus content of over 1.5%, meaning that such effects only play a secondary role. Indeed the high adsorption of plant nutrients released in the soil can instead often have – at least in the short and medium term – a negative effect on plant growth. These are the reasons why in temperate climates biochar should only be used when first loaded with nutrients and when the char surfaces have been activated through microbial oxidation. The best method of loading nutrients is to co-compost the char. This involves adding 10 – 30% biochar to the biomass to be composted (see: Ways of Making Terra Preta: Biochar Activation). The co-composting of biochar results not only in a valuable soil conditioner. The compost can be used as a highly efficient substitute for peat in potting soil, greenhouses, nurseries and other special cultures.

When biochar is used as a carrier for plant nutrients, efficient mineral and organic long-term fertilisers can be produced. Such fertilisers prevent the leaching of nutrients, a negative aspect of conventional fertilisers. The nutrients are available as and when the plants need them. Through the stimulation of microbial symbiosis, the plant takes up the nutrients from the porous carbon structure. Through mixing biochar with such organic waste as wool, molasses, ash, slurry and pomace, organic carbon-based fertilisers can be produced. These are at least as efficient as conventional fertilizers, and have the advantage of not having the well-known adverse effects on the ecosystem.

The biochars contain all trace elements originally contained in the pyrolised biomass. During pyrolysis, the crucial trace elements (over 50 metals) become part of the carbon structure, thereby preventing them being leached out and making them available to plants via root exudates and microbial symbiosis. This feature can be used specifically when certain trace elements are missing in a certain regional soil or in soil-free intensive cultures such as “Dutch tomatoes”.
A range of by-products are produced during pyrolysis. These remain stuck to the pores and surfaces of the biochar and in many cases have the ability to mobilise plant’s internal immune systems, thereby increasing its resistance to pathogens (Elad et al. 2011). This potential use is however only just now being developed and still requires a lot of research effort.
Use in the building sector12. Insulation, 13. Air decontamination, 14. Decontamination of earth foundations, 15. Humidity regulation, 16. Protection against electromagnetic radiation (“electrosmog”)

Two of biochar’s properties are its extremely low thermal conductivity and its ability to absorb water up to 6 times its weight. These properties mean that biochar is just the right material for insulating buildings and regulating humidity. In combination with clay, but also with lime and cement mortar, biochar can be added to sand at a ratio of up to 50%. This creates indoor plasters with excellent insulation and breathing properties, able to maintain humidity levels in a room at 45 – 70% in both summer and winter. This in turn prevents not just dry air, which can lead to respiratory disorders and allergies, but also dampness through air condensing on the outside walls, which can lead to mould developing (see (in German): Biochar as building material for an optimal indoor climate)

Such biochar-mud plaster adsorbs smells and toxins, a property not just benefiting smokers. Alongside their use in housing, biochar-mud plasters are particularly good for warehouses, factory and agricultural buildings as well as in schools and other rooms frequented by people.
Biochar is a very efficient adsorber of electromagnetic radiation, meaning that biochar-mud plaster is very good at preventing “electrosmog”.
Biochar can also be applied to the outside walls of a building by jet-spray technique mixing it with lime. Applied at thicknesses of up to 20 cm, it is a substitute for styrofoam. Houses insulated this way become carbon sinks, while at the same time having a more healthy indoor climate. Should such a house be demolished at a later date, the biochar-mud plaster can be recycled as a valuable compost additive.
Together with the German company Casadobe, the Delinat Institute is currently developing a range of biochar-mud plasters, expected to be available on the market in mid-2013.

17. Soil additive for soil remediation [for use in particular on former mine-works, military bases and landfill sites.]

18. Soil substrates [highly adsorbing, plantable soil substrates for use in cleaning waste water; in particular urban waste water contaminated by heavy metals]

19. A barrier preventing pesticides getting into surface water [Sides of field and ponds can be equipped with 30-50 cm deep barriers made of biochar for filtering out pesticides.]

20. Treating pond and lake water [Biochar is good for adsorbing pesticides and fertilisers, as well as for improving water aeration.]

Biogas production21. Biomass additive, 22. Biogas slurry treatment

First tests show that, through adding biochar to a fermenter’s biomass (especially heterogeneous biomasses), the methane and hydrogen yield is increased, while at the same time decreasing CO2 and ammonia emissions (Inthapanya et al. 2012; Kumar et al. 1987).
Through treating biogas slurry with lacto-ferments and biochar, nutrients are better stored and emissions prevented (see (in German): The sustainable production of biogas through climate farming)

The treatment of waste water23. Active carbon filter, 24. Pre-rinsing additive, 25. Soil substrate for organic plant beds, 26. Composting toilets,

The treatment of drinking water27. Micro-filters, 28. Macro-filters in developing countries

Divers other uses

Exhaust filters (29. Controlling emissions, 30. Room air filters)

Industrial materials (31. carbon fibres, 32. plastics)

Electronics (33. semiconductors, 34. batteries)

Metallurgy (35. metal reduction)

Cosmetics (36. soaps, 37. skin-cream, 38. therapeutic bath additives)

Paints and colouring (39. food colorants, 40. industrial paints)

Energy production (41. pellets, 42. substitute for lignite)

Medicines (43. detoxification, 44. carrier for active pharmaceutical ingredients)

Textiles45. Fabric additive for functional underwear, 46. Thermal insulation for functional clothing, 47. Deodorant for shoe soles

In Japan and China bamboo-based biochars are already being woven into textiles (Lin et al. 2008) to gain better thermal and breathing properties and to reduce the development of odours through sweat. The same aim is pursued through the inclusion of biochar in inlay soles and socks.
Wellness48. Filling for mattresses, 49. filling for pillows

Biochar adsorbs perspiration and odours, shields against electromagnetic radiation (electrosmog), and removes negative ions from the skin. Moreover, it acts as a thermal insulator reflecting heat, thereby enabling comfortable sleep without any heat build-up in summer. In Japan, pillows have been filled with biochar for a long time. This is supposed to prevent insomnia and neck tension.50. Shield against electromagnetic radiation

Biochar can be used in microwave ovens, television sets, power supplies, computers, power sockets, etc. to shield against electromagnetic radiation. This property can also be used in functional clothing as protection for parts of the body particularly sensitive to radiation.

All of the proposed biochar uses except nos. 35, 41, 42 are carbon sinks. After its initial or cascading use, the biochar can be recycled as a soil conditioner. Fully depreciated when finally returned to the soil, the black carbon will slowly build up in the soil – and over a few generations the soil’s biochar content could easily reach 50 to 100 t per ha.
We have listed 50 possible uses of biochar. But the title refers to 55 uses …. This is to be seen as an indication of our intention to keep on adding to the list over the coming weeks and years, as experience builds up. We can also be sure that the author has missed out a number of uses already available today (the first version of this article only contained 44 possible uses)

Mar 11, 2013

3 Powerful Videos Which Provide Facts and Great Perspective of Recent History!

3 Powerful Videos Which Provide Facts and Great Perspective of Recent History!

Wow! YIKES! These about "knocked my socks off." If you are like me, they will piss you off...

We better be prepared to make our own informed decisions about our democracy... We have got some weird people in high positions of government and influence!

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (Ep. 1)
This is a story about the rise of the machines and how they made us believe we could create a stable world that would last forever. It is a strange story and it begins with a strange woman Ayn Rand in the 1950's in New York. It continues with a very strange Alan Greenspan.

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (Ep. 2)
This is a story about the rise of the machines and our belief in the balance of nature. How the idea of the ecosystem was invented. How it inspired us and how it wasn't even true.

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (Ep. 3)
This is a story about the rise of the machines and why no one believes you can change the world for the better any more. How we decide that we were machines ourselves played video games and helped start Africa's world war.
3 Source Video Links at: IBEBrasil on Vimeo

Permaculture and Slavery: A System Analysis

Hockey stick graphs !

Global Warming!
Human Capitol Slave Value


If read fully, along with references, and understood by many, it should have great impact on everyone’s perception of reality. It provides a commanding argument. Please disseminate it broadly if you think it is of value to others...

Facts and Truth help democracies work better...
History can teach us, if we listen!
We all can make the global society better than our past actions...
It is a matter of our survival!
Education and understanding of masses is necessary.

With Respect and Regards To All,
Monte & Eileen Hines

Mar 10, 2013

Large Sycamore - Fall and Winter Picture - Hines Farm

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One of our large American Sycamores... 
 9' Diameter Trunk... 
Approximately 150' Height...
October 2012 Picture and February 2013 Picture

Hines Farm - Very Large American Sycamore


This video illustrates a new biochar kiln design which we call "hornito", meaning small oven in Spanish. This kiln is a clean, efficient and inexpensive design for producing high quality biochar using recycled 55 gallon drums. The kiln is in operation in the south of Costa Rica, and was constructed by Biochar Costa Rica located in Puerto Jimenez.