Jun 17, 2012

Korean Ginseng, Learn all about it's health benefits

Published on Jun 17, 2012 by overlander

Interesting story about how this interview came about. On Wednesday last week I decided I would like to do a story on Korean Ginseng after reading about it's benefits on the internet. So I put out a message on South Korean Facebook and couch surfing groups. Within 10 minutes someone replied to me on Facebook with a contact from the USA, the son of Shi Keum, the chairman of the Korea Ginseng Association. Only problem was Mr Keum did not speak English, so I needed a translator. I put out a call for anyone wanting to help with translation on couch surfing and that day Minji took up my offer. This is the english version of the interview with Mr Keum, with Minji providing translation ( I will upload the Korean version also)
We discuss the health benefits of Ginseng, why Korean Ginseng is considered the best in the world, what varieties of Ginseng are available, such as Red and Mountain Ginseng, how Ginseng can be taking and who should take it. This coming Wednesday I will be visiting the Geumsan province, which is the main area where Ginseng is grown to film how Ginseng is farmed and manufactured.

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