Mar 23, 2012

Iowa Learning Farms - Videos

A Culture of Conservation video series

A new video series “A Culture of Conservation” is now available from the Iowa Learning Farm. The series of six short videos explores the relationship we have with soil and water and offers ways for everyone to have an active role in protecting and preserving the Earth’s natural resources.

To request any of the ILF videos on DVD, contact Iowa Learning Farms, email: Be sure indicate which DVD you want and also include a USPS mailing address.

Building a Culture of Conservation: Iowan to Iowan, a 7-minute video that provides an overview.

The Water is Life (8:05) video reminds the audience how important clean water is to the body, the community and the Earth.

We All Have a Place in the Watershed (9:05) defines watersheds and how humans interact within them.

In Don’t Call it Dirt: A Passion for Soil (7:55) viewers are asked to think about soil and how it is used. The video also provides ideas in which everyone can improve soil quality and keep it where it belongs.

The Work of Our Hands (9:45) discusses the relationship of societies and agriculture, historically and today.

Reclaiming Stewardship (10:45) highlights several Iowans who are working to achieve the goal of building a culture of conservation.

Troubled Waters (26:21) explores our relationship with rivers and streams.

NEW!! Out to the Lakes (43:15) addresses watersheds and water quality through lakes and the water bodies that feed them.

You can view all of the ILF videos on Iowa Learning Farms' YouTube channel.
Conservation Station video:

See what the Conservation Station is all about in this 6 minute promotional video on our YouTube channel.

How-To Videos:

You can view all of the following how-to videos in chapters on Iowa Learning Farms' YouTube channel.
Converting Your Planter for No-till Operation
Adding a Cover Crop to a Corn-Soybean System
From Gully to Grass: Implementing Grassed Waterways
Manure Managment and Conservation

You can also request a free DVD of any of Iowa Learning Farms' videos. Email, indicate which DVD you are requesting and include a mailing address.

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