Mar 20, 2012

The Holistic Orchard Wins American Horticultural Society Book Award! : Chelsea Green

Posted on Sunday, March 18th, 2012 at 8:44 pm by webeditor

Each year, the American Horticultural Society recognizes outstanding gardening books published in North America with its annual Book Award. Nominated books are judged by the AHS Book Award Committee in qualities such as writing style, authority, accuracy, and physical quality.

The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way by Michael Phillips was one of this year’s winners! From the AHS press release:

“This richly illustrated, comprehensive guide is ‘like spending a weekend with the guru of organic orcharding. He helps his readers truly understand fruit trees and berry bushes by putting them in context as part of the larger ecosystem,’ notes Kathy LaLiberte. ‘No other author covers the subject so completely, understands it so well, and still manages to make it accessible,’ says Susan Appleget Hurst. ‘This book offers a fresh perspective on growing food in harmony with the natural world,’ says W. Gary Smith, adding that “the depth and breadth of information is huge but not a bit intimidating.’”

For more information about the American Horticultural Society, check out their website.

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